The enemies of human and civil rights are acting.
They are long past the planning, thinking and educating stage. And as important as those things are, ACTION is what will change the world and people’s lives.
When so-called “Democratic” governments, leaders and individuals protect war criminals, support genocide, punish the unhoused for simply being unhoused, and support other atrocious policies with a 51%-99% majority, Democracy has failed us.
Democracy is only as good as its people and leaders.
If they are sold out, racist and/or evil, we must be willing and able to stand against them.
Some things are simply right or wrong and do not require a vote.
But how can people do it against the violent apparatus of the state?
“We don’t have the money or other means to defeat corrupt leaders and oppressors everywhere and preserve everyone’s rights, but we do have the numbers – as long as we unite and remain united.”
– Dean Malchik, Rights Hawks
We must first build a coalition strong enough to oppose the Republican and Democratic parties in the U.S., which are both sold to the highest bidders and cause so much harm in the U.S. and around the world.
Since both of these corrupt parties will hold the majority of positions in the U.S. government for the foreseeable future, we must build an opposition movement that can still influence policies and laws, whether it’s through awareness-building, voting, boycotts, protests, strikes or other means.
Our so-called national and world “leaders” have shown their true colors through their support for the the Israeli ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza, Palestine. Their continued arming of Israel even as it murders thousands of innocent Palestinians shows their moral bankruptcy.
We must remember that anyone who will support such crimes is capable of committing any crimes. If they can do this, what else are they doing?
This song, “I’ve Got to Know,” asks the questions that RIGHTS HAWKS wants answered.
More Songs That Align With Our Movement and Will Inspire Us to Work for Change
Kris Kristofferson’s Third World Warrior Album
Almost every song from the album. The songs mostly deal with the wars in South America and the struggle for freedom in South Africa. Just change the names to Palestine and other countries at war today, and the album is still valid.
“Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down“
“Aguila Del Norte” – “The Eagle of the North”
Heroes Against Corruption and Oppression
Everyone Should Know About These Men and Women